The LAST RESORT was the American Red Cross (A.R.C.) service club at Yangkai, China, operated from the early months of 1944 through September 1945. The recreation center was envisioned by Barbara Vatter, aka 'Boots', one of fourteen A.R.C. nurses in China. She utilized her formal training assisting the Flight Surgeon in maintaining the physical health of the men, as well as their mental attitude.

Barbara's time was primarily invested in her nursing duties. However, as soon as she arrived at Yangkai 'Boots' enlisted the help of Chinese coolies and American GIs to get the structure built, the interior finished and furnished. Once functioning, other A.R.C. personnel operated the facility and 'Boots' motivated all of the service men with whom she came in contact to participate in the activities, many of which she coordinated. Later, she was also able to get a tennis court constructed.

Shortly after completion of the facility, 'Boots' held somewhat of a contest to choose a name;

"All of the names submitted were unrelated or inappropriate. In exasperation I told them that they had to do better, and asked them to submit their ideas one more time. 'This', I said, 'is the last resort!' And, when they picked up on my words, the center had a name!"

'The LAST RESORT' became gathering place for many American soldiers, sailors and airmen stationed in the area of Yang Chien Air Base.  It offered a respite from the day-to-day grind of the war, provided a tie with "home" in the forms of friendly faces, a few favorite tunes, and an occasional troupe of USO entertainers.


Pictures of the rec center's construction and the people who made it a place for the men to escape the demands of war for a little while.


Pictures from in and around the LAST RESORT, including local shows and events which entertained or occupied the men.


Contains photos of the A.R.C. nurses and workers off duty and at their leisure.


An overview of many of the U.S.O. Camp Shows which toured the CBI in 1944 and 1945. With links to photos of those shows which played at 'The LAST RESORT'.


( Zai Jian  / 再 见 )

Goodbye!! (for now)

Richard 'Hack' Hacking

Hack was his self-adopted nickname, the name by which most people knew him. A gifted artist, he created one of the finest web sites I had ever visited back in 1997; Dad's CBI Page. He provided inspiration to those of us then creating similar tribute websites, to share all the CBI information we can.

In addition, contributed suggestions and encouragement to my 1997 development efforts of "Web Home of the 341st Bomb Group". Going further, he created the beautiful 'Last Resort' logo seen at the top of this page.

Richard passed away in late summer 1998, shortly after completing "Dad's CBI Page".... In 2001, Richard's father and inspiration, Charles E. Hacking also passed away.

Ruth Ann Hacking continued for decades to maintain 'Dad's CBI Page' in memory of her father and grandfather. Unfortunately that ceased in 2019.

Barbara 'Boots' Vatter

AKA "Boots", was born Barabara Vatter in Auburn, New York on December 9, 1914.

A nurse, she unsuccessfully attempted to join the Army Nurse Corps.  She was, however, accepted into the Red Cross Nurse program.  After which she was stationed at the Fourteenth Air Force's Yang Chiseh Air Base at Yangkai, China, where she was known as "Boots" From the latter part of 1943 until early 1945, she assisted the Flight Surgeon, oversaw the duties of two Chinese nurses, and shored the moral of the men assigned to units at Yangkai.

After returning from the war, she married a dashing Operations Officer she met at Yangkai. A little later, they divorced and 'Boots' moved her family to Albuquerque, New Mexico.  There she began the magazines Fly & Shell and Suntrails before moving on to other endeavors.

I had the privelege of enjoying a home cooked dinner with Barbara at her home in Albuquerque in 2000. During and after which we shared drinks and discussion of her time in China, highlighted by her presenting me with many of the photo images you will see here. From then on, we exchanged emails and phone conversations until a few months before 'Boots' passed away on June 16th, 2005. She is remembered by family and many dear friends with whom she shared love and support all her life.

We continue to remember both, may they always rest in peace!